CitraTest RPA
Automate Any Process
Are you ready? In 2019, Forrester Research predicts that automation will become the tip of the digital transformation spear, impacting everything from infrastructure to customers to business models. Researchers say automation will become central to business strategy and operations, driving new standards of customer experience such as deeper personalization, higher quality, faster delivery and greater convenience. This is not just an IT phenomenon – we believe that automation will extend to every, single industry sector.
The big question for you, what are the implications for your business? Our take-away is that software automation can transform your business, allowing you to thrive versus survive.
Tevron’s CitraTest RPA® is the leading solution for automating business workflows and repeatable processes. Using CitraTest RPA, you can reduce costs and improve accuracy while freeing up your employees for value-add, strategic work. Experience shows that automation improves the overall employee experience, eliminating tedious tasks. You can manage any variety and number of processes from the simple to the most complex. Think of your software bots as a virtual workforce that can crunch through big projects and deliver accurate and fast results For example, an IT customer, tasked with moving 60,000 records manually with a team of six was scheduled to work on the project over several weeks. Using CitraTest® RPA, the work was completed in just four days.
Our RPA robots can mimic human user actions, such as clicking on links, making calculations, moving files and folders, copying and pasting data, filling in forms, reading, writing and extracting data etc. You can automate applications like data entry, card activation, fraud claim discovery, report automation and data migration.
CitraTest RPA® is application-agnostic, non-intrusive and sits on top of your existing IT infrastructure – there is no need for specialist hardware investment or worry about disruption to existing operations. It works across every development environment and is compatible with EVERY Windows-based application plus EVERY application that is accessible via Windows. Our powerful image and optical character recognition (OCR) technology is automatically embedded in each script. In fact, we even provide a Visual Studio Extension to help you get going and develop customized scripts.
And, there’s no need to worry about the future. CitraTest RPA® features state-of-the-art security. Add extra software bots at any stage with minimal investment. And CitraTest RPA allows you to introduce basic AI functionality, which is important as RPA technology will combine over the medium-term with AI and Machine Learning to execute more complex tasks.
Tevron® is a global leader in automation, a company you can trust. Our customer portfolio includes industry giants such as Xerox, Fujitsu Services, Mayo Foundation, Lockheed Martin, Bank of America, Marathon Oil, Citigroup, Daimler, Hewlett Packard, Siemens, Lucent Technologies and Alcon Labs.

"Best-in-Class companies identified by Aberdeen surveys and interviews were found to be twice as likely as others to manage deployed services proactively. This demonstrates and underscores how solutions such as Tevron's CitraTest APM can help companies to maximize the business value of their IT investments by monitoring application performance proactively and comprehensively."
- Michael Dortch
Senior Analyst, Aberdeen
Author of the recent study "Performance in a Service-Oriented Architecture World."