Automated Testing and Process
Automation for Every Application
Realize True End-User Testing with CitraTest®

With CitraTest® proprietary image and optical character recognition technology, you can test real end-user experience – the only way to ensure complete test accuracy.

CitraTest® creates a real user experience by
  • Remaining a background operation that generates real mouse activity and keyboard strokes, and then responds to the images on the screen – just like a real user would.
  • You can easily automate all user actions (clicking on, comparing, verifying, awaiting display images…) with no efforts. Simply capture, store and edit baseline bitmap images to define your test scripts.
During test script play-back CitraTest®
  • Acts as a virtual human user by “capturing” screen images and comparing them to your initial baseline.
  • Evaluates, measures and responds to visible on-screen activity, , relying on Tevron’s powerful image and optical character recognition technology automatically embedded on each test script. CitraTest® can even account for changes in image display location and variations in color.
CitraTest® XML & text-based log results detail each executed test step, when it was performed and elapsed time of completion. You can even measure response times to within milliseconds --any user action can be easily automated, tested & measured. CitraTest® is compatible with every version of Microsoft Windows, all applications, all web applications, all legacy applications, all custom applications.

Are you ready to ensure application quality, reliability and predictability, and simplify test automation with CitraTest®?