CitraTest APM
End to End Response Time
Monitoring for Every Application
CitraTest APM
A manual application monitoring and load testing process can be easily automated with the help of CitraTest APM. Such workflow automation ensures that the IT processes work faster and are easily available. In addition to enabling workflow automation, CitraTest APM makes IT service management easier for IT professionals by addressing the needs of application performance monitoring, transaction monitoring, real time monitoring, application availability and service level reporting for applications across any organization. With Tevron's proprietary monitoring technology, no application is left behind.

Are all the applications in the organization available, responsive and healthy?

There are two very important metrics for application monitoring: response time and availability. They have been included in the design objectives for application development and service level agreements since a long time. Yet, many organizations cannot measure the response time achieved at the locations where the application user resides.

Proactive, consistent and real

For application monitoring, CitraTest APM periodically executes synthetic transactions, taking response time measurements along the way. By automating the driving of an application just like a real user at the client end, CitraTest APM can test whether all critical aspects of an application are available and working within limits. If not, CitraTest APM generates a real time alert. Using the synthetic transaction model provides the benefits of being both proactive and consistent.

How does CitraTest APM support every application?

CitraTest APM visually examines the desktop, responds to changes and uses the keyboard and mouse just like a real user does. To interact with an application a user must look for a remembered image on the desktop, move the mouse pointer or cursor to it, type keystrokes or click the mouse buttons and wait for the next event to occur on the desktop. CitraTest APM works exactly in the same way.

CitraTest APM utilizes an advanced proprietary image recognition system to replicate the actions of an actual user in terms of visually analyzing every aspect of the desktop. Just like a user, CitraTest APM does not need to ‘see’ an image in exactly the same location each time. CitraTest APM looks at the entire desktop and when an image needs to be clicked, CitraTest APM simply moves the mouse from its current location to the desired image and issues the appropriate mouse action, just like an actual user would do. CitraTest APM also automates keystrokes in the same way that an actual user types on the keyboard. The simplicity of using just these 3 elements: desktop visualization, keyboard and mouse, is what gives CitraTest APM the unrivaled power and flexibility to operate with any application that is accessible from a Windows based PC.

No application is left out

CitraTest APM is the only application monitoring solution that can actively monitor every application on a real time basis. It can monitor applications and environments like various custom applications, home-grown applications, green screen applications, web applications, Java, Cerner Millennium, Tarantella, XenApp, XenServer, XenDesktop, Citrix Presentation Server, Citrix Metaframe, VMWare, Virtual PC, Terminal Services, Terminal Server, Propalms, SAP, Oracle, Siebel, all client server applications, thick client, all Terminal Emulation modes (3270, 5250, VT100, etc.), PeopleSoft, .NET, and Progress Software, to name a few.


No elements of CitraTest APM are installed in the production environment, making it the most non-invasive product available today.

Aberdeen "Best-in-Class companies identified by Aberdeen surveys and interviews were found to be twice as likely as others to manage deployed services proactively. This demonstrates and underscores how solutions such as Tevron's CitraTest APM can help companies to maximize the business value of their IT investments by monitoring application performance proactively and comprehensively."

- Michael Dortch
Senior Analyst, Aberdeen
Author of the recent study "Performance in a Service-Oriented Architecture World."